R.O.C.S Mild Care With Camomile Baby ToothPaste 45gm (0-3Yrs)

To care for a baby’s teeth from the very young age of 0 to 3 years, R.O.C.S. Mild Care With Camomile Baby ToothPaste was created. It is made from an extremely soft material that, while offering excellent tooth cleaning, also protects the delicate enamel of baby teeth. It is expertly designed to offer superior teeth cleaning without harming the delicate enamel of baby teeth. Children love the taste of it, which makes the entire teeth-brushing process much more fun for both kids and parents. This thus makes it easier to develop frequent and/or regular brushing routines. Safe to ingest. 98.5% of the ingredients are natural.


  • It is capable of remineralizing.
  • strengthens teeth
  • reduces the risk of dental decay
  • inhibits disease-causing bacteria
  • lowers the possibility of gum inflammation



Weight 0.1 kg


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