ellaOne 30mg Tablet 1’s

ellaOne 30mg Tablet is a contraceptive intended to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed, such as:

  • if you had sex without protection;
  • if your or your partner?s condom tore, slipped, or came off, or if you forgot to use one;
  • if you did not take your contraceptive pill as recommended.

It is 98% effective regardless of when it is taken, up to 5 days after unprotected sex. This medicine is suitable for any woman of childbearing age, including adolescents. You can take the tablet at any time in the menstrual cycle though it is not possible to use EllaOne more than once in a menstrual cycle. You will know that Ella has taken effect when your next period begins.

Benefits of ellaOne 30mg Tablet:

  1. Highly effective: EllaOne is known to be highly effective in preventing unintended pregnancy when taken as directed. It works by delaying ovulation, which helps to prevent fertilization.
  2. Extended window of effectiveness: Unlike some other emergency contraceptive pills, EllaOne can be taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. This provides a larger window of opportunity for women to take the medication.
  3. Convenient and easy to use: EllaOne is a single-dose tablet, making it convenient and straightforward to take. It can be taken with or without food, according to personal preference.

How to use:

  • Take one tablet by mouth as soon as possible and no later than 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.
  • Take the tablet without delay.
  • You can take the tablet at any time in your cycle.
  • You can take the tablet at any time of the day either before, during, or after a meal.
  • Strictly not to be taken on an empty stomach.